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Memory leaks happen when a program fails to release memory it no longer needs, and can be a big issue for developers and system administrators alike, as the gradual depletion of available memory often makes for complex troubleshooting and debugging.

Given how the consequences of a memory leak can range from decreased system performance to outright crashes, it’s crucial to isolate the root cause of the leak quickly and efficiently. This post covers how to isolate memory leaks with production traffic replication, a technique that uses traffic replay and automatic mocks to test services in isolation.

This post also discusses common mistakes to avoid when troubleshooting memory leaks, such as not isolating the service from other services, not finding the root cause, and assuming memory leaks are solely in the code. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of how to identify and isolate memory leaks in your Kubernetes environment.

What are Memory Leaks?

Memory leaks can happen due to programming errors, poorly written algorithms, or resource-intensive processes. As available memory depletes over time, the system’s performance suffers, causing increased load times and bad user experiences.

Especially in complex systems like Kubernetes where multiple processes run simultaneously, isolating memory leaks can be challenging for developers. However, doing so is crucial as memory leaks can cause issues outside of performance, potentially playing a role in cyber attacks.

Imagine this: when clearing a cart on your webshop you send a request to the backend formatted as /cart/delete/{id}. When called, the API will look up the ID and any associated products. But in this scenario, there’s a bug—a request with an invalid ID will cause the API to search through all carts and throw an exception when the cart isn’t found. Now, all the cart IDs aren’t cleared in memory because of the exception.

Not only is this bad for performance and infrastructure cost, but a malicious actor may discover this and use it to cause a DDoS attack, possibly doing it gradually so as to not trigger any alerts.

Isolating Memory Leaks With Production Traffic Replication

Production traffic replication is a technique that uses traffic replay and automatic mocks to isolate a service under testing, providing a realistic environment for performance testing. Deeper dives can be found in other posts like the definitive guide to traffic replay or the advantages of mock APIs.

This guide shows how to use Speedscale—a Kubernetes-specific tool based on production traffic replication—to isolate memory leaks with real-world traffic. The steps below assume an existing Speedscale installation. If you’ve yet to set one up, check out the complete traffic replay tutorial to get started. You can also follow along with some parts in the interactive demo.

Infrastructure or API?

Determining whether the memory leak is caused by your infrastructure or your API itself, is the very first step. To do this, run a simple load test using traffic you’ve recorded from production. Specific instructions for this can be found in the load testing tutorial, but essentially you’ll be using the speedctl CLI to spin up a new application instance in your development cluster, generate load towards said instance, then provide a report with collected metrics.

The below screenshot is from an example report found in the interactive demo.

Screenshot of traffic replay report

This application may have a memory leak issue, given how the usage never decreases. That said, it’s crucial that you understand and replicate your application’s ramp patterns accurately. Failing to do so may cause incorrect results or false positives. The test above took under 5 minutes, so the rising usage may simply be because of a long-running task, or garbage collection not having run yet.

This initial step involves identifying whether the memory leak is a result of the Service-under-Test (SUT) or if it is due to improper infrastructure configurations, such as a mismanaged garbage collector. If this simple load test isn’t generating a memory leak, it’s highly likely that your memory leak stems from your infrastructure or other production-specific configurations, rather than your application. In other words, if a simulation that mirrors real-world usage does not cause a memory leak, you’re likely not testing the actual source of the leak.

Dissecting the API

If the above did indeed produce a memory leak, there’s a higher chance of the leak occurring from within the application itself. These next steps help you determine exactly what part or parts of your application causes the leak.

Run your load test again, this time removing all traffic to endpoint A. If the leak still occurs, remove all traffic to endpoint B instead. Continue stripping the load test of traffic until you’ve found the endpoint where the leak occurs. Especially in organizations where different teams are responsible for different endpoints, this can help delegate the task to the right owner.

With the problematic endpoint determined, you can now remove variations in requests one by one. For instance, remove all traffic sent from Chrome, remove all traffic sent from desktop, etc.

This is where the true power of production traffic replay comes in handy. Consider once again the /cart/delete/{id} example from earlier, how would you isolate that without real-world traffic? There are a variety of factors required to make that memory leak happen:

  • Real-world behavior: Other carts need to have been created that the API looks up.
  • Unexpected API input: The bug is triggered by an invalid cart ID.
  • Suboptimal dependencies: It’s easily argued how the cart API shouldn’t even be looking through other cart IDs in the first place, instead just sending a delete request to the database. But, issues like this can often happen when inexperienced engineers use ORMs to handle database transactions.
  • Ramp patterns: Memory leaks often happen over time as opposed to instantly. An issue like this is unlikely to be found with a 2-minute load test.

Now, could you replicate all of these factors manually? Possibly. Would you think to do it? It’s unlikely. Would you have the time to replicate them? Most likely not.

In many ways, production traffic replication doesn’t enable scenarios that are impossible to create manually. Rather, it makes them viable.

Mistakes to Avoid When Troubleshooting Memory Leaks

During troubleshooting, there are a number of common mistakes that can hinder the isolation process.

Not isolating the service from other services is likely the most common mistake as it requires solid mock servers to be truly avoided.

Not finding the root cause and/or most optimal solution often happens when the consequences of a memory leak are severe and need to be limited immediately—like, setting aggressive resource limits. A good short-term solution, but don’t forget to keep digging.

Assuming memory leaks are in the code happens as it’s true most of the time, but not always.

Not using proper monitoring tools will significantly reduce your ability to quickly isolate and fix a memory leak. A simple kubectl top may reveal the problematic Pod, but won’t tell you anything about why it’s happening.

Not testing old bugs won’t necessarily cause issues, which is exactly why it’s dangerous. Continuing the cart API example: you may have fixed the error handling, but how do you know it won’t break again? It’s highly recommended to implement regression testing, which—thanks to production traffic replication—is now possible even for performance.

Preventing Memory Leaks in the Future

Identifying and isolating memory leaks in complex systems like Kubernetes can be a daunting challenge for developers, but it’s crucial to maintain optimal system performance and prevent cyber attacks. Using production traffic replication tools like Speedscale can make this process much more manageable and effective.

By running load tests and utilizing the exclusion method, developers can identify the root cause of memory leaks and ensure proper isolation. Additionally, avoiding common mistakes and employing proper monitoring tools can go a long way in preventing the recurrence of previously fixed bugs.

It’s important to note as well that memory leaks are notoriously hard to prevent, as they often require longer soak/smoke tests to reveal. Once again, it’s crucial that you understand and replicate your unique ramp patterns, like a European B2B SaaS company experiencing spike traffic around 8-9am on weekdays, then sustained traffic until 4-5pm.

Moreover, the cart example from earlier showcases how memory leaks are often transient, only happening in very specific scenarios. Production traffic can help isolate and find those errors when they occur, but preparing for them requires you to implement some form of chaos testing. For example by instructing mocks to return high response times or bad status codes X% of the time.

Screenshot of chaos options in Speedscale test config

Whatever your approach will look like, I recommend integrating performance testing continuously. There are many ways of implementing it, for example—running a quick load test on pull requests to feature branches, then running longer soak tests during deployment. Or, you may want to replay traffic during development with preview environments.

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