We’re exhibiting at KUBECON, Nov 7-9! Stop by booth #M27, or schedule a personalized 1:1 demo

Simulate production K8S environments, data and load wherever you need it.

Speedscale listens to PII-redacted traffic hitting your APIs and automatically understands your dependencies. Developers can pick and provision what APIs and data they need to mock, in minutes.
Reduce your development and test delays by 80%.

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Gan Integrity Logo
Simulate production environments

Auto-generate mocks for internal and external dependencies

Auto-identify necessary backends for any API and auto-generate mocks for reliable, scalable development and testing.
No need to manage costly end-to-end environments or limit  access.

Synthetic Data Generation

Seed environments and tests quickly with
sanitized, synthetic data

What’s better than production simulations? Autogenerating more permutations without having to wait on data refreshes and PII scrubbing.
Self-service for your dev and test data needs.
Developer Observability

Quickly pinpoint and resolve problems

Drill down into specific subsets of traffic and view the exact details of each call, including message payloads, headers, cookies, authentication tokens, and more.

Simulate production load

Confirm performance under REALISTIC load

Don’t guess. Maximize your revenue opportunity and be confident that new code changes can scale in production simulations.
Prevent outages, uphold SLAs, and protect the customer experience.

“With the exponential increase of microservices and capability focused development, a platform like Speedscale is the only way to certify and confidently deploy these features to our customers at scale and speed.”

Sree Sreedhararaj

“Speedscale is a game changing capability that enables large architectural upgrades with quality. Traffic replay is high coverage and fast.”

David Ting

“Just on the first run of a regression traffic replay we found a defect in how our APIs were returning IDs. That demonstrated how quick to value the use of Speedscale could be.”

Peter Kreslins
Founder & CTO

Jeff Kwan
Principal Software Engineer

Cimpress company logo

“Speedscale gave us clear insight on the upper load limit of our software. Whereas with K6, it was more binary, like a PASS/FAIL grade. Speedscale took it one step further to help us understand, based on transactions per second, exactly where our breakpoints were. We felt more confident in where our service could be.”

How it works


Speedscale observes and redacts PII from your API calls via sidecar, Postman collection or logs


Speedscale then detects auth tokens, dates, and data patterns that need to be replaced to simulate production


Run your code changes against  realistic production environments and data so you can build better, faster.