Category: Service Mocking

API mocking is a functional testing tool that allows developers and testers to simulate API responses, bypassing the need for a...
Service virtualization is an increasingly popular tool in the software developer and devops toolkit. In this blog, we cover wha...
Developing APIs can be a complex process, particularly when you want to ensure they perform as expected under various real-worl...
Reliable testing requires that tests, data, and dependencies all work consistently and accurately, and represent reality. But w...
Why use MockServer to mock APIs?As the name suggests, MockServer is a powerful tool that allows developers to mock HTTP APIs, m...
Kubernetes has become the dominant orchestration platform for cloud-native apps– and for good reason. It can be a powerful tool...
Postman is highly popular in the testing tools space verifying API requests. While using it for general API testing has widespr...
TL;DRSoftware testing is an integral part of software development. However, validating edge cases, corner cases, and non-happy ...
Testing tools can’t keep pace with the complexity and speed of development. By the time you’ve manually scripted a test, it’s b...
In today’s fast-paced agile environments, API mocking is an essential tool for simulating the responses of dependencies for dev...
A Kubernetes preview environment is an isolated environment that allows developers to test their code at any time without worry...
Continuous load testing is a powerful way of preparing for surges in traffic, without needing real users. Imagine you’re a soft...