What do good tests look like, and do you even need a Golang testing framework? It’s a loaded question with an open answer.
Not only do tests help ensure that your code will work as intended, but good tests can also serve as documentation for your codebase, making it easier to update and maintain in the future, while accelerating and streamlining your software development process.
In this article, we outline 6 Golang testing frameworks for every type of test.
What are Golang Testing Frameworks?
Golang testing frameworks are essential tools that streamline the testing process, making it more efficient and effective. These frameworks provide a suite of features designed to help developers write and run tests, ensuring that their code functions as intended and catching bugs early in the development cycle.
One of the primary benefits of using Golang testing frameworks is the inclusion of utilities such as assertions and matchers. These tools simplify the process of verifying that your code behaves as expected. Additionally, many frameworks offer advanced test coverage and results reporting, giving you a clear picture of how well your tests are performing.
Mocking external dependencies with mock code is another significant advantage. This feature allows you to simulate interactions with external systems, making it easier to test your code in isolation. Automation and test generation capabilities further reduce the manual effort required to write tests, speeding up the development process.
Color-coded output and terminal results enhance readability, making it easier to distinguish between different test outcomes. Fine-grained test execution control, including the ability to filter, skip, and run parallel tests, provides flexibility and efficiency in managing your test suites.
In summary, Golang testing frameworks are invaluable for ensuring robust, reliable code. They offer a range of features that enhance the testing process, from assertions and mocking to automation and detailed reporting.
Limitations of Go’s testing package
By default, Go provides a testing package and a go test command, but it only offers basic testing capabilities. The package also has some drawbacks, such as missing assertions and increasing repetition with large-scale tests.
As a result, several Go testing frameworks have been created to augment test functions. Some of them incorporate the testing package and go test command, while others take a different approach.
This post serves as an introduction to the different types of testing frameworks available and best practices.
How testing frameworks help
Golang testing frameworks offer a range of benefits. They include utilities such as assertions and matchers that aren’t present in the testing library. Many are bundled with tools for advanced test coverage, results reporting, mocking external dependencies with mock code, and automation. Some even help with test generation and automated testing, reducing the amount of work needed to write tests.
Other than running the tests, frameworks can often be helpful by using color-coded output, distinguishing different results in the terminal, as a coverage report can often include dumps of error values and messages.
Advanced help from Go testing frameworks
More advanced frameworks supply web UIs, allowing you to run tests and see the results in your browser. Some provide fine-grained test execution control with their bundled tools, which can offer extended filtering, skipping, and parallel test-running functionality.
All in all, these frameworks make testing and debugging faster by cutting down on repetitive tasks and accelerating the software development process. Because they provide assertions and other helper functions to abstract away the more complicated aspects of writing tests, they are also simple to use.
Language-specific vs. language-agnostic frameworks
While it’s unlikely you’ll find anyone arguing against the use of testing frameworks, there are certain considerations you have to take into account when choosing which tool to implement.
This post is specific to those using Golang, and the tools will be specific to the Go programming language. However, you should be aware that there are also tools that are agnostic to any programming language, which may provide more benefits to some users.
Language-specific test tools are great if you:
- Only use Go within your organization
- Are going to test very specific Go features
- Need a community that deeply understands your specific language
While there are very good reasons for choosing any of the tools presented in this post, you may want to consider a language-agnostic tool, for reasons such as:
- Using a variety of languages in your organization, like in a microservices architecture
- Wanting to keep testing out of your codebase
- Wanting increased flexibility
There’s generally no correct decision, as it will depend heavily on your setup and use cases. Rather, what follows are just some things to keep in mind.
Types of testing
The overwhelming majority of Go testing frameworks focus on unit or integration testing.
Unit and integration testing
Unit testing is the most popular level of testing implemented by Go developers. It involves writing individual-function tests, cross-function tests, and other intra-package tests to make sure that a distinct package and its functions perform according to their requirements.
Because of this, you can get far in testing by just implementing unit tests. But, as the goal of unit testing is to verify the performance of an individual unit, many organizations take it a step further and look at integration tests.
Integration tests are the natural next step after unit tests. In an integration test, various packages and their modules are tested as a whole to see how well they interface. For example, testing how a webshop front end interacts with a cart API.
End-to-end testing
These two levels are what you’ll see most commonly, but you can also run more advanced end-to-end testing (E2E). End-to-end testing expands code coverage by combining each integration test from a part of a system into combined test functions. Because of its complexity, few companies do end-to-end testing. There are also non-functionality based tests like load testing. However, unit and integration testing will remain the focus of this blog post.
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Popular testing frameworks for Golang

If you’ve decided that a language-specific testing tool is the right choice for you, or if you’re merely looking to see what’s available, it’s time to see what your options are.
Below you’ll find the six most popular testing frameworks for Golang applications.
Go testing
While it was said in the beginning that the default testing package is fairly limited, it’s still important to keep the standard library in consideration.
Some key advantages of the default testing library are:
- Running benchmarks
- Sub-benchmarks
- SubtestsSupport for test skipping to limit scope
- Support for test setup and teardown
These features combine into a framework that’s simple to use and configure, making it easy to write quick tests to either verify simple behavior or benchmark your application.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the package does not support assertions, something you may know from other testing packages in other languages.
Instead, the Go team recommends using table-driven tests, as they believe adding assertions and helper functions does not follow best practices.
The package is fairly simple to use, but you may find that tests written are readable but perhaps not as expressive as you may want.
After running the tests with go test you can generate reports using the go tool cover command; however, you may find them to be less descriptive than desired, especially when a test fails.
The package is well documented and the Go website offers FAQs, blog posts, and tutorials. You’ll also find several entries about the testing package on the Go wiki. The core Go team actively supports it, and the Go community provides plenty of help for beginners as well.
Go testing example
A simple example with the testing package can look like this:
func TestIntMinBasic(t *testing.T) {
and := Intmin(2, -2)
if ans != -2 {
t.Errorf("IntMin(2, -2) = %d; want -2", and)
Example borrowed from GoByExample
Testify is arguably the most popular Golang testing framework and offers a range of helpful features:
- Assertion functions
- Mock objects
- Test grouping
- Test setup and teardown
The inclusion of assertion and mock code makes testing much easier and faster. With the suite package, you can collect related tests and create a shared test setup and teardown.
Mock objects allow easy testing even with external dependencies.Testify’s test output is standard and not as detailed as other options. However, it does offer the option to annotate assertions with messages, making the tests more expressive. Testify’s assertion functions can help identify why a test fails, aiding developers in quickly pinpointing the issue.
If you’re a beginner, Testify will be very welcoming to you with its user-friendly interface for assert func and mock objects. It works well as a complement to the testing package and go test command.
It doesn’t offer its own custom coverage reporting, unlike other packages, instead relying on the same go tool cover command as the testing package. So if you’re unhappy with the reporting capabilities of the testing package, Testify may not be the right alternative for you.
All in all, Testify is a solid package depending on your needs. If you are happy with the default testing package but want more expressive tests as well as assertions, then Testify is likely to be a good choice for you.
There’s a large community of users and contributors for Testify, but updates and new features are few and far between. On the other hand, there are multiple Slack channels where users can interact and seek help, so finding support is fairly painless.
Testify example
A simple Testify example could look as follows:
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
// assert equality
assert.Equal(t, 123, 123, "they should be equal")
// assert inequality
assert.NotEqual(t, 123, 456, "they should not be equal")
// assert for nil (good for errors)
assert.Nil(t, object)
// assert for not nil (good when you expect something)
if assert.NotNil(t, object) {
// now we know that object isn't nil, we are safe to make
// further assertions without causing any errors
assert.Equal(t, "Something", object.Value)
Example borrowed from the Testify pkg page
GoConvey is a BDD testing framework (behavior driven development) that takes a somewhat different approach to other testing frameworks.
Some key features are:
- Using a domain-specific language (DSL)
- The ability to create self-documenting, highly readable tests
- Supports for contexts and scopesSupport for assertions
- Availability of web UI
Using the Convey function, you can set up contexts and scopes for a test, and with the So function, you can make assertions.
There are two main ways to get a test report output with GoConvey: in the terminal or through a web UI.
The terminal test output is detailed, colorized, and readable. Its web UI offers similar output in a more user-friendly way, with the addition of several themes and notifications options. This combination makes it useful for developers as well as managers. GoConvey’s detailed reports help identify why a test fails, ensuring that only relevant information about the failing test is presented.
With the wide range of assertion helpers provided by GoConvey, you should be able to validate and verify any value you may want.
It supports fine-grained control of test execution, allowing you to pause and resume tests. It even allows you to generate tests through the web UI.
GoConvey has a rather large community of contributors, although updates to its codebase are infrequent. Its GitHub Wiki is well documented, with more information available on the GoConvey pkg documentation page and GitHub Repo.
GoConvey example
A simple GoConvey test can look like this:
func TestSpec(t *testing.T) {
// Only pass t into top-level Convey calls
Convey("Given some integer with a starting value", t, func() {
x := 1
Convey("When the integer is incremented", func() {
Convey("The value should be greater by one", func() {
So(x, ShouldEqual, 2)
Example borrowed from the GoConvey pkg pag
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Similar to GoConvey, but unique in some ways, Ginkgo may be another valid choice when testing your Go applications. Gingko is another behavior driven development testing framework. Some key advantages of Ginkgo are:
- Has container nodes to assist in organizing specs and making assertions
- Supports test setup and teardown functionality
- Supports cleanup after both test suites and individual tests
- Supports organizing and running subsets of tests with labels
All these features come together to deliver a Golang testing framework that gives you plenty of control, using labels to organize tests however you want, while also letting you specify cleanup on a test suite level or on each individual test.
Ginkgo’s test results output is very readable and can be made available in several formats. You can also customize how the test output is collected. The setup and teardown functionality helps identify why a test fails by providing detailed logs and relevant information about the failing test.
To aid in filtering, running, profiling, and generating test suites, Ginkgo offers a CLI tool. It monitors the test code, so if any changes are made, the tests are rerun.
You’ll find that there’s a large and active community of contributors behind Ginkgo. Updates are frequently released. Should you need assistance, you can find plenty of information on their website, in addition to the documentation found on their pkg page.
Ginkgo example
An example of running a test in Ginkgo can look like this:
Describe("Checking books out of the library", Label("library"), func() {
var library *libraries.Library
var book *books.Book
var valjean *users.User
BeforeEach(func() {
library = libraries.NewClient()
book = &books.Book{
Title: "Les Miserables",
Author: "Victor Hugo",
valjean = users.NewUser("Jean Valjean")
When("the library has the book in question", func() {
BeforeEach(func(ctx SpecContext) {
Expect(library.Store(ctx, book)).To(Succeed())
Context("and the book is available", func() {
It("lends it to the reader", func(ctx SpecContext) {
Expect(valjean.Checkout(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed())
Expect(library.UserWithBook(ctx, book)).To(Equal(valjean))
}, SpecTimeout(time.Second * 5))
Context("but the book has already been checked out", func() {
var javert *users.User
BeforeEach(func(ctx SpecContext) {
javert = users.NewUser("Javert")
Expect(javert.Checkout(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed())
It("tells the user", func(ctx SpecContext) {
err := valjean.Checkout(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")
Expect(error).To(MatchError("Les Miserables is currently checked out"))
}, SpecTimeout(time.Second * 5))
It("lets the user place a hold and get notified later", func(ctx SpecContext) {
Expect(valjean.Hold(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed())
By("when Javert returns the book")
Expect(javert.Return(ctx, library, book)).To(Succeed())
By("it eventually informs Valjean")
notification := "Les Miserables is ready for pick up"
Eventually(ctx, valjean.Notifications).Should(ContainElement(notification))
Expect(valjean.Checkout(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")).To(Succeed())
}, SpecTimeout(time.Second * 10))
When("the library does not have the book in question", func() {
It("tells the reader the book is unavailable", func(ctx SpecContext) {
err := valjean.Checkout(ctx, library, "Les Miserables")
Expect(error).To(MatchError("Les Miserables is not in the library catalog"))
}, SpecTimeout(time.Second * 5))
Example borrowed from the Ginkgo GitHub Repo

While other entries on this list so far can be seen as general testing frameworks for Go, httpexpect is a more focused framework, focusing on REST API and HTTP in general. Some key features are:
- Support for assertions
- Chainable builders to help create a HTTP request
- Supports websockets
With the chainable builders, you can construct URL paths and add query parameters, headers, cookies, and payloads in several formats.
These request builders and transformers are reusable, allowing for great flexibility and usability.
Because the framework is focused on HTTP, you will also find that there are multiple assertions to help you check response codes, statuses, payloads, headers, and cookies. And with the support for websockets, you can inspect parameters and messages from the connection.
The test result reports from httpexpect are verbose, failures are adequately reported, and request and response dumps are made available either within the tool itself or by using an external logger. Clients, loggers, printers, and reporting tools can be customized.
As has been the case for a few tools on this list, you’ll find a large community but infrequent updates to the source code, with detailed documentation available on the pkg page.
httpexpect example
A typical example of an httpexpect test case with httptest can look like this:
func TestFruits(t *testing.T) {
// create http.Handler
handler := FruitsHandler()
// run server using httptest
server := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer server.Close()
// create httpexpect instance
e := httpexpect.Default(t, server.URL)
// is it working?
Example borrowed from the httpexpect GitHub page

Last but not least on this list, you’ll find Gomega the assertions/matcher library. Its key features are:
- Offers assertions and matchers
- Allows you to create custom matchers
- Can run asynchronous matchers
- Supports HTTP clients, streaming buffers, external processes, and complex test data
The thing to note about Gomega is that it’s not typically used as a testing framework by itself. Most commonly – as you’ll also see on its website – Gomega is typically combined with other tools like Ginkgo.
By itself, Gomega is an assertion library and matcher library, intended to improve the assertions available to make as part of your test cases.
Documentation for this library can be found on their website and on their pkg page. It can present a somewhat steep learning curve, especially when testing HTTP clients or buffers, for instance. However, it does have an active community of supporters and contributors and updates are fairly regular.
Gomega example
Because Gomega isn’t a testing framework by itself, here’s an example test file showing how the matcher library can be used to aid test function:
DescribeTable("Periods in string notation",
func(periodsAsString string, expectedPeriods p.Periods) {
actualPeriods := convertStringToPeriods(timeZero, periodsAsString)
Entry("no periods", "0", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
Entry("no periods, longer input", "0000000000", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
Entry("single short period", "1", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090100"),
Entry("single long period", "1111111111", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "091000"),
Entry("single period surrounded by zeroes", "0001111000", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090300", "090700"),
Entry("multiple periods a", "110011", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090200"),
newPeriod("090400", "090600"),
Entry("multiple periods b", "0111100111", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090100", "090500"),
newPeriod("090700", "091000"),
Entry("multiple periods c", "1111001100", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090400"),
newPeriod("090600", "090800"),
Entry("multiple periods d", "1011001101", p.NewPeriods([]p.Period{
newPeriod("090000", "090100"),
newPeriod("090200", "090400"),
newPeriod("090600", "090800"),
newPeriod("090900", "091000"),
Example borrowed from this GitHub gist
Best Practices for Testing in Golang

Testing is a critical component of the software development process, and adhering to best practices ensures that your Golang code is reliable and maintainable. Here are some essential best practices for testing in Golang:
Write Unit Tests: Unit tests focus on testing small, individual pieces of code. In Golang, these tests are typically located in the same package as the code being tested, with filenames ending in _test.go. This practice helps catch bugs early and ensures that each function works correctly in isolation.
Use Table-Driven Tests: To reduce repetition and improve test coverage, organize your test cases as tables. Each row in the table represents a different test case, making it easier to manage and extend your tests.
Leverage the Testing Package: The built-in testing package in Golang provides essential tools for creating unit tests. It supports various types of test functions and offers practical utilities for interacting with the test workflow.
Run Parallel Tests: By default, tests run sequentially, but you can use the t.Parallel() method to run tests concurrently. This approach can significantly reduce test execution time, especially for large test suites.
Use Test Suites: Group related tests into test suites to structure your tests logically. This practice helps in organizing tests around specific features or sets of related functions, making your test code more maintainable.
Implement Teardown Functions: Teardown functions clean up resources after a test has run, ensuring that tests do not interfere with each other. This practice is crucial for maintaining a clean testing environment.
Incorporate Fuzz Testing: Fuzz testing uses random input to discover edge cases and bugs. Golang’s fuzzing algorithm is designed to cover as many code paths as possible, making it a powerful tool for uncovering hidden issues.
Conduct Benchmark Tests: Benchmark tests measure the performance of your code, helping you identify and optimize slow or resource-intensive functions. These tests are essential for maintaining efficient and performant code.
Perform Integration Tests: Integration tests verify that different components of your system work together as expected. They are crucial for ensuring that your system functions correctly as a whole, catching issues that unit tests might miss.
Automate Your Testing: Automated testing tools and frameworks can save significant time and effort by automating the execution of your tests. This practice ensures consistent test execution and helps maintain high code quality over time.
By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Golang code is thoroughly tested and reliable, leading to more robust and maintainable software.
How to Choose the right Golang testing framework
It’s always important to use the right tool for the job. You can get far with the basic testing capabilities provided by the testing package and go test command. However, it falls short when it comes to larger tests and assertions, which is where test frameworks come in.
In this post, you’ve seen a variety of popular testing tools to choose from. Some of them—like Testify—build on top of the testing package, while others—like GoConvey—provide you with their own DSL.
Ultimately, the right testing framework will depend on your circumstances. If you just want a simple, but powerful, assertion library, then Testify is likely a good choice.
However, as the number of services grows, testing frameworks may become difficult to manage, as the logic is built into the codebase of each service. When this happens, you might want a more scalable solution.
If you are looking for libraries with more advanced features, then the right choice may be a combination of Ginkgo and Gomega.
Maybe you’re even at the stage in your journey where the main priority isn’t about the inherent capabilities of the tool, but rather how it fits into other testing principles, such as test automation.