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Intellyx, the first and only analyst firm dedicated to digital transformation, today announced that Speedscale has joined the inaugural class of their 2021 Digital Innovator Award.

As an industry analyst firm that focuses on enterprise digital transformation and the disruptive vendors that support it, Intellyx interacts with numerous innovators in the enterprise IT marketplace.

To honor these vendors, Intellyx has established the Intellyx Digital Innovator Awards.

“At Intellyx, we get dozens of PR pitches each day from a wide range of vendors,” said Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx. “We will only set up briefings with the most disruptive and innovative firms in their space. That’s why it made sense for us to call out the companies that made the cut.”

Intellyx bestows this award on any vendor who makes it through Intellyx’s rigorous briefing selection process and delivers a successful briefing.

“We are honored to be selected for the 2021 Digital Innovator Award,” said Ken Ahrens, CEO of Speedscale.  “We strive to create innovative solutions for our clients and are pleased our work has been recognized by Intellyx.”

For more details on the award and to see other winners, visit the 2021 Intellyx Digital Innovator awards page here.

Speedscale helps developers release with confidence by automatically generating integration tests and environments. This is done by collecting API calls to understand the environment an application encounters in production and replaying the calls in non-prod. If you would like more information, drop us a note at hello@speedscale.com .

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