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Replay past traffic, gain confidence in optimizations, and elevate performance.

I am pleased to announce that Speedscale has secured over $3m seed investment from a group of venture capital veterans, co-led by Sierra Ventures (Menlo Park, CA) and Tech Square Ventures (Atlanta, GA). In addition we were fortunate enough to secure support from Soma Capital (San Francisco, CA) and YCombinator (Mountain View, CA).

Speedscale helps software engineering teams discover problems with their application code before it is released by running the code through production-like workloads. With this investment we will build out additional technology support for the next generation of traffic replay.

We were fortunate enough to get interviewed by Jonathan Shieber from TechCrunch in his article: Atlanta-based Speedscale, and here is a top quote about our solution:

…its service can give coders the ability to see the problems before the release. They automate the creation of the staging environment, automation suite and orchestration to create that environment.

Once problematic code is released into production, you have to work quickly to get it resolved. If you’re lucky you may be able to roll back the change, but sometimes these issues can cause prolonged incidents that affect customers. With Speedscale you get a chance to preview how your code will perform so you can release with confidence.

We plan to use the funds to continue to build out our core engineering team, please check out our Careers page for our current openings. If you are interested in learning more about working at a startup, feel free to reach out. Thanks again to our investors for their tremendous support.

Many businesses struggle to discover problems with their cloud services before they impact customers. For developers, writing tests is manual and time-intensive. Speedscale allows you to stress test your cloud services with real-world scenarios. Get confidence in your releases without testing slowing you down. If you would like more information, schedule a demo today!

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