Author: Ken Ahrens

Have you ever written a Hello, World! application? In most of these tutorials the first step is to log words to the console. It...
For this article we’ll dig into some of the options for Local Kubernetes Clusters if you are developing on a Mac.  When d...
There was a big announcement this year at GrafanaCon 2021 that performance testing tool k6 is being aquired by Grafana Labs. It...
For the last several years, GitLab has run a major survey about the trends facing the DevSecOps community. This year over 4,000...
Speedscale was recently featured for its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) inititatives by InHerSight, a firm that uses da...
Podcast Source: La...
Speedscale ‘SpeedChat’ Episode 2: Shift-Left vs. Shift-Right Throwdown featuring Nate Lee (Founder, Speedscale), Ken Ahrens (Fo...
Speedscale ‘SpeedChat’ Episode 1: Discussing software product management, ‘dogfooding’ and scaling quic...
Check out our new 3-minute Speedscale intro video, the first release on our Youtube Channel. Modern apps are bombarded by inte...
One of the reasons we selected Sierra Ventures as one of our seed investors is because of their CXO Advisory Board. They have d...
This is a follow-on from a September 2020 post about the Developer-Led Landscape. Nowadays developers are in the driver’s...