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One of the reasons we selected Sierra Ventures as one of our seed investors is because of their CXO Advisory Board. They have dozens of knowledgeable advisors across a wide variety of verticals: Healthcare, Consumer, Retail, Finance, Technology, Media and Telecom. Each year they conduct a broad survey of major trends. This kind of survey data is gold for Enterprise-focused startups. This year the survey covered 4 main areas:

  • Enterprise Effects of COVID-19
  • Future of Remote Work
  • Cloud Adoption
  • Cybersecurity

I wanted to take a moment to dig into the data regarding Cloud Adoption. A majority of the companies now have over half their applications running in the cloud. This is a jump of nearly 20 basis points from the previous year which demonstrates how quickly cloud resources can be deployed and the criticality of supporting apps and data in the cloud.

There also was a question about Kubernetes and now nearly 4 out of 5 experts surveyed indicated they started using Kubernetes. Within just a few years, Kubernetes adoption has skyrocketed, even at large Enterprise companies, not just young technology startups.

And interestingly, although nearly everyone is using Kubernetes, they still want to learn more. It was the #1 emerging tech that Enterprises want to learn more about. We love talking about Kubernetes, so let’s talk!

Read the full write-up from Brendon Schmidt here: Enterprise CXO Priorities for 2021

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