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Speedscale was recently featured for its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) inititatives by InHerSight, a firm that uses data to help women find and improve companies where they can achieve their goals. The full article is available here.

Ken Ahrens, cofounder and CEO of Speedscale, discusses diversity and why he believes DEI initiatives are important for the short and long-term success of the company.

I’ve gained an appreciation for contrarian thinking and looking at problems from different perspectives. Having a company with diverse backgrounds is a huge advantage, and I hope that we can bring on a diverse workforce and diverse customer base as we grow.

Speedscale is focused on having an open company and setting new employees up for continued success. The company’s core values of Integrity, Attitude of Service, Respect and Frugality are reviewed during onboarding and are woven into day-to-day work and meetings.

Teams with diverse backgrounds are more creative and are more likely to explore a larger set of alternatives. In addition, our customers are also diverse so we need to consider many ways they will look at our company and product.

Ahrens goes on to discuss Speedscale diversity goals for the future to include expanding the board of directors and executive team.  This will provide more opportunities to add diversity at all levels of the company.

We want all employees to have a stake in the success of the company, therefore compensation packages include standard pay and benefits, plus equity.

If you’re interested in learning more or joining the Speedscale team, check out our careers page for open positions!

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