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Ephemeral environments transform software development by providing temporary, isolated spaces for testing and deploying microservices without affecting production. Given its robust orchestration capabilities, Kubernetes excels at creating these temporary environments, allowing teams to efficiently manage and scale containerized applications.

By integrating tools like Helm and Kustomize, developers can maintain a codified version of their app and its dependencies. This allows for consistent deployment across different environments simply by changing the Docker image tag. This reduces human error and ensures that testing the staging environment closely mirrors the production environment.

Ephemeral environments are cost-effective and efficient, making them invaluable for large teams. By eliminating the overhead of maintaining permanent environments, they significantly cut infrastructure costs while accelerating development cycles.

This blog will look at how Kubernetes-powered ephemeral environments provide a scalable, efficient, and flexible solution for modern DevOps practices, optimizing system resource usage and development speed. Let’s begin by looking at the benefits.

Benefits of Ephemeral Environments in CI/CD Pipelines

Integrating ephemeral environments into CI/CD pipelines enhances the development process’s efficiency and reliability. These environments are automatically spun up and torn down as part of the pipeline, ensuring that every code commit is tested first in an isolated, production-like ephemeral environment solution.

Test on Every Commit

Automated tests run with each code commit within these environments, ensuring thorough and continuous testing, which leads to improved software quality over time. Ephemeral environments enhance transparency and traceability in CI/CD pipelines by maintaining a clear record of all development activities.

This fosters collaboration among team members and ensures that changes are easily tracked and contributors are identified, resulting in a more cost-effective and cohesive development process.

Ephemeral Environments for Closer Collaboration

Developers collaborating

Ephemeral environments offer numerous advantages, such as more efficient development cycles, early bug detection, and consistent test coverage.

By automatically generating URLs for these testing environments, stakeholders outside the development team can easily access and test specific features, providing broader feedback without impacting the production development environment itself.

Combining ephemeral environments with production traffic replication adds another layer of effectiveness. It allows automated tests to accurately mimic real-world conditions. This capability enables teams to identify and address potential issues before they reach production, ensuring higher confidence in the deployed software.

Automatically Generate Preview URLs

Automatically generated URLs in ephemeral environments offer a seamless way for stakeholders outside the development team, such as product managers, designers, or QA engineers, to access and interact with specific features under development.

When a new feature or update is deployed into an ephemeral environment, Kubernetes or the associated CI/CD pipeline can generate a unique, temporary URL that points directly to the environment where the feature is hosted.

This URL can then be shared with stakeholders, allowing them to access the feature in a controlled, isolated environment that mirrors production conditions. Stakeholders can interact with the new functionality in real time, providing immediate feedback on its performance, usability, and overall fit with business requirements.

Since the environment is isolated and temporary, the testing phase of this process can occur without any risk to the production environment, ensuring that testing and feedback cycles are safe and efficient.

Automate Further with Integrations

If you’ve already set up a system to generate preview URLs automatically, it’s not a much farther step to send those URLs via Slack, notifying other teams that there’s something to look at.

Essentially, you can get the best of both worlds: the improved developer experience from an automated testing process and the stability and reliability only possible with manual testing.

The ease of sharing these URLs enhances collaboration by enabling developers and non-developers to participate directly in the testing process. They can verify that features meet their expectations before merging into the main codebase, making it easier to catch issues early and refine the product based on broader feedback.

This level of accessibility and involvement ultimately leads to more informed decision-making and a higher-quality final product.

Creating Ephemeral Environments with Kubernetes

Highway connectorKubernetes provides an excellent framework for creating ephemeral environments, largely due to its flexibility in defining everything through YAML manifests.

These manifests allow developers to specify the requirements for their environments, such as CPU and memory requests/limits, and the number of pods, ensuring a quick and efficient setup tailored to the application’s needs.

With Kubernetes, you create ephemeral environments that can be created on demand and destroyed after use, significantly reducing infrastructure costs and accelerating development cycles.

This dynamic approach supports continuous integration and delivery, enabling teams to test and deploy changes rapidly without the burden of maintaining long-term environments.

Better Environments with 12-Factor Apps

For applications built according to the 12-factor app principles—guidelines emphasizing clean, maintainable, and scalable cloud-native applications—deploying ephemeral environments becomes both straightforward and highly effective.

The stateless, decoupled nature of 12-factor apps aligns perfectly with the transient nature of ephemeral environments, ensuring that each environment is self-contained and easily reproducible across different stages of development.

One key benefit of the 12-factor methodology is its focus on treating configuration as code and isolating dependencies. This makes it easier to spin up ephemeral environments consistent with production settings, ensuring developers can accurately test and validate their microservices.

Because 12-factor apps are designed to be environment-agnostic, they can be deployed in any Kubernetes namespace or cluster without requiring significant modification, streamlining the process of creating and tearing down these environments on demand.

12-Factor Apps and Production Traffic Replication

12-factor apps simplify the capture and replay of traffic within ephemeral environments. Given their stateless design and clear separation of concerns, capturing incoming requests and outgoing responses is easier, and they can be stored and replayed for testing purposes.

Tools like Speedscale can replicate real-world traffic scenarios within these environments, accurately simulating production conditions. This capability is crucial for identifying potential bottlenecks, latency issues, and other performance-related problems before they impact end users.

By enabling the seamless integration of traffic replay into the development process, 12-factor apps ensure that ephemeral environments are not just temporary testing grounds but powerful tools for validating the robustness and scalability of microservices.

Integrating Ephemeral Environments into Development Workflows

Integrating ephemeral environments, custom resources, and Helm into a Git-triggered pipeline significantly streamlines the testing process. When a developer pushes changes to the repository, the pipeline automatically triggers the creation of ephemeral environments and deploys microservices within them, facilitating a seamless workflow.

This level of automation accelerates the testing process, enabling quick iterations and supporting continuous integration. Developers can efficiently create, test, and deploy microservices, thoroughly vetting each change before merging into the main codebase.

Ephemeral Environments Locally

Combining tools like Skaffold and Speedscale is highly effective for creating a local ephemeral environment. These tools streamline setting up a Kubernetes-based environment that replicates production conditions locally.

  1. Setting Up Skaffold: Skaffold automates the build and deployment process, allowing developers to see their changes reflected in real-time within a local Kubernetes cluster. By using Skaffold, you can continuously develop your application in a local environment that mirrors production without the need for manual Kubernetes management. This setup is ideal for developers who want a quick feedback loop while working on their code.
  2. Integrating Speedscale for Traffic Replay: Once Skaffold is in place, Speedscale can be integrated to replay traffic within the ephemeral environment. Speedscale records traffic from production or other environments and replays it against your local setup, providing a realistic test scenario. This approach is crucial for validating a new feature’s performance under real-world conditions, ensuring that deployments are reliable and high-quality. You can easily capture production traffic and replay it locally to see how your application handles real-world data without impacting the live environment.
  3. Advantages: This combination allows developers to perform complex, resource-intensive tests that would otherwise be difficult to execute on a local machine. By moving these tests into a Kubernetes environment, you offload the heavy lifting from your local machine while maintaining a high level of accuracy and realism in your testing process. Additionally, using Skaffold and Speedscale together simplifies managing Kubernetes resources and ensures that your local environment is always in sync with the latest production data.

This can save a lot of time by eliminating the need to execute some command every time your app is rebuilt and the need to manually create test scenarios.

Ephemeral Environments for Microservice Testing

tons of figurinesEphemeral environments are particularly well-suited for microservice testing, providing a flexible and efficient way to validate each service independently.

By leveraging these temporary, isolated environments, developers can quickly create, test, and dismantle microservice deployments, ensuring each component operates correctly before interacting with others.

By testing microservices within ephemeral environments, teams can identify and resolve potential conflicts and errors early, reducing the risk of issues when integrating these services into the larger application. This leads to more reliable, scalable deployments and a smoother development workflow.

Beyond these reasons, ephemeral environments are particularly great for microservices given that they:

  • Facilitate Independent Scaling: Microservices often have varying resource requirements depending on their role within an application. Ephemeral environments allow teams to independently scale and test each microservice under different conditions, ensuring each service can handle its specific load without affecting others. This granular control over scaling is particularly beneficial for identifying the optimal resource allocation for each service.
  • Simplifies Dependency Management: Microservices frequently depend on various third-party services or databases. Ephemeral environments enable the precise simulation of these dependencies in isolation, allowing teams to test how microservices interact with external services or mock environments. This makes it easier to manage and validate complex dependency chains without configuring and maintaining these dependencies in a shared environment.
  • Enables Seamless Integration with Continuous Delivery: The transient nature of ephemeral environments aligns well with continuous delivery practices, where microservices are continuously developed, tested, and deployed. By integrating ephemeral environments into the CI/CD pipeline, teams can ensure that each microservice is automatically tested in an environment that mirrors production, leading to faster and more reliable deployments without the overhead of managing long-lived environments.

Automation and Cleanup

Ephemeral environments can be efficiently automated using tools like Gitpod, which manages the orchestration and lifecycle of development workspaces. Gitpod simplifies the process by handling the creation, management, and teardown of these environments, ensuring that resources are used optimally throughout the development process.

Resources within these ephemeral environments can be managed services provisioned directly inside the Gitpod workspace or externally using infrastructure-as-code tools like Terraform. This flexibility allows teams to tailor their ephemeral environment setup according to specific needs, whether for quick, ad-hoc testing or more complex, infrastructure-dependent scenarios.

Given the short-lived nature of ephemeral environments, effective cleanup is crucial. To prevent unnecessary resource consumption, Gitpod’s workspace lifecycle management includes automatic cleanup mechanisms, such as handling timeouts and garbage collection.

Proper cleanup and cost control are essential to avoid the inadvertent persistence of large, production-like clusters. This will reduce overall infrastructure costs and ensure a lean, efficient development process.

An Automated Cleanup Process

An automated cleanup process can look like the following:

  • Identify Idle Resources: The first step is to monitor the environment and identify any resources that are no longer in use or have been idle for a specific period. This includes unused containers, orphaned volumes, and inactive pods.
  • Set Up Automated Cleanup Triggers: Configure your cleanup tools (e.g., Gitpod, Terraform) to trigger cleanup processes automatically after a set period of inactivity. This can involve setting timeouts for workspace sessions or defining resource lifetimes.
  • Graceful Termination: Before deletion, ensure that any running processes within the ephemeral environment are gracefully terminated. This might involve shutting down services or saving necessary logs and data.
  • Resource Deallocation: Deallocate all associated resources, including compute, storage, and networking. This step ensures that resources are freed up and available for other tasks.
  • Garbage Collection: Perform garbage collection to remove any leftover artifacts, such as temporary files, cache, or logs that are no longer needed.
  • Verification and Reporting: After the cleanup, verify that all resources have been successfully deallocated and there are no lingering artifacts. Generate a report to document the resources cleaned up and the space or costs saved as a result.

Best Practices and Considerations

Adopting best practices and considering key factors in your deployment strategy is essential to maximizing the efficiency and reliability of ephemeral environments. Implementing GitOps can be highly beneficial for tracking and monitoring deployment and development processes, providing a clear, auditable history of changes, and ensuring that environments are always in the desired state.

Packaging & Deployment

Using a Helm chart for packaging applications simplifies the management of complex deployments by streamlining the packaging and deployment of application components.

Helm charts provide a consistent and reusable way to define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications. They make it easier to manage dependencies and maintain consistency across Kubernetes environments.

Security Concerns

Security is a critical consideration when deploying ephemeral environments. Adhering to security best practices, such as robust authentication models and authorization policies, is vital to protect sensitive data and maintain compliance.

Additionally, leveraging deployment patterns like canary or blue-green deployments can enhance reliability and stability, allowing for safer, incremental rollouts of new features.

Shared vs. Separate Clusters

Finally, weighing the trade-offs between using shared Kubernetes clusters and separate clusters for each environment is crucial. Shared clusters can reduce costs and simplify cluster management but may introduce risks of resource contention and security concerns. Separate clusters offer greater isolation and control at the expense of increased complexity and resource overhead.


Ephemeral environments in Kubernetes powered by Helm and integrated into a Git-triggered pipeline present an efficient and scalable approach to testing microservices. This methodology accelerates the testing process and allows developers to iterate and innovate rapidly without impacting the production environment.

By adopting this approach, teams can significantly enhance the quality of their microservices, leading to more reliable and robust applications. Moreover, embracing ephemeral environments fosters a culture of agility and continuous improvement within software development teams, ultimately driving better outcomes and faster feature delivery.

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