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On the heels of the public announcement of our seed round, Speedscale investors shared some insights about their investment rationale.

VC Investor Sri Muppidi writes in her article Speedscale – Why Sierra Ventures Invested

As the industry continues to move towards distributed architectures, testing becomes more complex due to increasing levels of dependencies. Speedscale addresses this trend with new automated testing infrastructure which saves companies time and money.

Atlanta-based VC firm Tech Square Ventures announces:

Tech Square Ventures is excited to add Speedscale, fresh off graduation from Y Combinator, to the family! Founded by three Georgia Institute of Technology alums, Speedscale uses traffic to automate test creation and simulate API’s at scale and in complex environments. Speedscale is a great example of the power of the Southeast to produce strong, high-growth technology startups…

Also check out our YCombinator company profile.

Apps with micro services have insufficient testing. It’s impossible to validate the code because of too many dependencies. Speedscale solves this by automatically generating the tests, environment and data from traffic. These scenarios are continuously run as developers modify code to catch issues early and prevent incidents from impacting production environments.

Many businesses struggle to discover problems with their cloud services before they impact customers. For developers, writing tests is manual and time-intensive. Speedscale allows you to stress test your cloud services with real-world scenarios. Get confidence in your releases without testing slowing you down. If you would like more information, schedule a demo today!

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