
Get started today
Replay past traffic, gain confidence in optimizations, and elevate performance.

We’re happy to debut our new Speedscale website, highlighting our newest features!  We’ve been busy updating our product UI and decided to showcase some of the work on the site.

All of our case studies, whitepapers, and datasheets are now in the Resources page.  We’ve also been featured on a variety of news sites, podcasts and blogs.  We linked all of them in the "Speedscale in the Media" section.

Our primary goal was to explain how we collect and replay API traffic and the way this revolutionizes the way engineering groups release and test quickly.  There are two parts to traffic replay — the traffic playback and the mocking.  We explain these aspects in much more detail on the new site.

Lastly, over the coming weeks we’ll be building out how traffic replay works for specific use case and personas, so please check back periodically.  If you have any feedback, we welcome any ways we can improve!  Drop us a line at hello@speedscale.com.

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