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Speedscale is one of the finalists of the 2021 Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Fire Award!  This award is Atlanta Inno’s premier recognition program, honoring the companies and organizations setting the local Atlanta innovation economy ablaze.

Fire Awards, presented by Atlanta Inno in partnership with the Atlanta Business Chronicle, is a celebration of the early-stage businesses, enterprises and innovators who are doing special work to set Atlanta ablaze. Speedscale is a finalist in the software category.

The awards program highlights those that have had a banner year — earning new funding, launching new products, making big hires and innovating to solve problems. Speedscale has been chosen as one of this year’s recipients.

“We are proud to be named a finalist by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and Atlanta Inno for the 2021 Fire Award,” said Speedscale CEO, Ken Ahrens. “The startup community in Atlanta is really beginning to take off and we are honored to be recognized in such great company.”

A panel of judges will select one Inno Blazer winner from each category. Read the full story here.

Speedscale helps developers release with confidence by automatically generating integration tests and environments. This is done by collecting API calls to understand the environment an application encounters in production and replaying the calls in non-prod. If you would like more information, drop us a note at hello@speedscale.com .

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