How Production Traffic Replication Works

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Speedscale can observe traffic through a variety of means such as sidecars, Postman collections, or even on your local desktop. Data is sanitized for security, so no sensitive data is used.


Speedscale then intelligently parameterizes key fields such as timestamps, unique IDs, and customer/order IDs in order to replace them with realtime values during traffic replay for flexible, no-code reuse. Tokenization can be customized. Collected traffic can be browsed, filtered and selected in the Traffic Viewer to auto-generate tests and mocks from.


These containerized “Snapshots” can then be replayed anywhere (even on your laptop with no kubernetes cluster), an unlimited number of times. A Snapshot is essentially a traffic generator, a collection of mocks, or both!  Traffic within snapshots can be multiplied, sped up or slowed down. Responses from the Mock pod can also be configured for 404’s, latency, and network black holes.

Installation Options

Speedscale’s Operator and Sidecars for listening can be installed via Helm, CRD, or annotations. We also have a CLI *speedctl* that can be installed and used to automate many install, record, and replay tasks.  We also have a variety of integrations.
Install Speedscale service

API Observability

Since Speedscale observes traffic, this data can be leveraged to debug new releases, perform root-cause analysis in staging environments and understand runtime API behavior. PII and sensitive data redaction included.

Real-time replacement of key fields and dates

Speedscale can automatically detect and mock your dependencies.

Service mocks are simulators that accept outbound requests from your app and mimic responses coming back from 3rd parties. 

Speedscale mocks contain PII-redacted, sanitized traffic so you don’t need to worry about sensitive data being used.

					"chaos": {
     "badStatusCodes": true,
     "intermittentResponses": true,
     "randomLatency": true,
     "randomHighLatencyMs": 5000

Performance, regression and
chaos test without multiple tools

Traffic replay pods are ran locally in your clusters by a Kubernetes operator for traffic replay.

Test results are logged and sent to Speedscale for analysis and reporting. Pods are cleaned up afterward to return the cluster to the original state.

See How Speedscale Works

speedscale traffic viewer
Production traffic can often be unpredictable, and distinguishing genuine user interactions from mere noise becomes a pivotal s...
Using a mock server is a popular method of working around these limitations and realities, allowing you to test web server asse...
Traditional testing methods often delay the software development lifecycle, as we have grown used to these outdated processes w...


A free VS Code extension that automatically recreates backend responses and production conditions from observed traffic.

Capture. Edit. Replay.

Observe and mock in minutes.

Read the docs

Step 01
Install proxymock Extension
Step 02
Run some transactions for proxymock to 'learn'
Step 03
Browse and edit transactions
Step 04
'Replay' to run your new service mocks

Why proxymock?

🧨 Shared environments can blow up your data and tests
😴 Long lived environments get stale and drift
💸 Maintaining complex end-to-end cloud gets expensive
⏰ Scripting service mocks and tests requires lots of time and maintenance
Speedscale simulation

Build and test faster

Stop trying to move mountains in your dev environments to trigger the responses you’re looking for.  

Create the responses you want to trigger within VS Code instead — modeled after real transactions.

Reproduce and debug issues locally

Like a time machine, proxymock allows you to replay breaking transactions, fix, and validate. 

It also reduces the need for complex, shared cloud environments, saving money.

Proxymock allows you to view all inbound and outbound transactions
Chaos and latency can cause problems to your app

Simulate chaos and
validate scale

Simulate production conditions your way. Introduce latency, multiply transactions, add in error codes.

All without scripting and mocked within VS Code in minutes.

Sign up for the beta!

Read the docs

Proxymock can simulate downstream apis and databases

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